Espresso Banana Bread

Espresso Banana Bread | Well and Full | #vegan #recipeEspresso Banana Bread | Well and Full | #vegan #recipe

Let me start by admitting that yes I know it’s June, and banana bread is typically a fall/winter sort of thing, but despite the fact that the weather for this June started out really cold for CT, I just wanted some home-y comfort food. Why? Well, I feel a little embarrassed writing about this, but I’m still having a hard time reconciling the fact that I’ve left the college life (over a year ago) and entered the working world / #corporatelife. The reason this is embarrassing for me is because I’m beyond grateful to even have a job when so many others do not. What I’m going through is the classic passion vs. money conundrum. The whole thing sucks, in my opinion, because if you get a boring, well paying job, you’re selling out to “the man” and giving up your dreams, slowly dying at a cubicle while life passes you by. But if you follow your passion, you are deemed unrealistic and illogical, and you might even get name-called by certain media outlets. (I’m not a yuccie!!) Now, there is middle ground between these two extremes, but the opportunities are few and far between, and the people who get to follow their passion and have a steady income are in the vast minority.

Now let me back up for a second and explain my situation a bit. Growing up, I was interested in everything. My parents fostered my love of reading at an early age, and I devoured books like they were candy. (Due to this, I am a font of useless knowledge and am great at trivia. But that’s another story). My interests were so varied that I wanted to be a professional painter and a subatomic particle physicist at CERN in the same year. I would paint with acrylics and oils by day, then read Stephen Hawking and Michio Kaku at night. Every summer before high school, I would go to some type of camp – those ranged in topic from Japanese language/culture, electricity camp (I can create a circuit using flashlight batteries and tin foil, teehee), improvisational acting, advanced math, art history, and so on. And as much as I envied those kids who could relax and watch TV and hang out with their friends during the summertime, now I really am grateful to my parents for providing me with such a well-rounded education. Unfortunately, it turned me into a huge nerd and I didn’t really have many friends in school. But it’s okay, I know origami.

Espresso Banana Bread | Well and Full | #vegan #recipe

ANYWAYS, the point I’m trying to make is that I’m intensely, profoundly interested in the world. Even in college, I changed majors three times (Economics > French > Linguistics > International Business). Yet here I am, working in CORPORATE FINANCE, a field that I had never intended to be in – running a VEGAN FOOD BLOG on the side. How did I end up here??

If you asked me, right now, what my dream job would be… I don’t know if I could answer you. I know for certain that one day I’d love to have my own cookbook. I also know that I don’t want to be stuck at a desk for the rest of my life. But who am I to have these dreams, when I am SO FREAKIN LUCKY to have a job that keeps me provided for? Does anyone have an answer?

Espresso Banana Bread | Well and Full | #vegan #recipeEspresso Banana Bread | Well and Full | #vegan #recipe

So it was this mental struggle and cognitive dissonance that let me to eschew my internal turmoil, forsaking troublesome thoughts to bake some banana bread – something that is very calming, I might add.

A quick note on the banana bread – this is my own, plant-based twist on the classic loaf, with just a taste of rich espresso to liven things up a bit. I think it tastes best when warmed and served with a refreshing glass of iced coffee + almond milk, but my mom gobbled up a whole slice straight out of the refrigerator so I don’t think we have any complaints there.

Espresso Banana Bread | Well and Full | #vegan #recipeEspresso Banana Bread | Well and Full | #vegan #recipe

Espresso Banana Bread | Well and Full | #vegan #recipe

Espresso Banana Bread

This delicious, healthy twist on banana bread is sweet enough to be a dessert but hearty enough for a breakfast bite!
Prep Time 10 minutes
Cook Time 35 minutes
Total Time 45 minutes


  • 5 Medium Bananas approx. 2 cups, mashed
  • 2 Cups Whole Wheat Flour
  • 1 Cup Nuts + Seeds I used walnuts, almonds, and pepitas, chopped
  • 1/4 Cup Almond Milk
  • 1/3 Cup Coconut Oil melted
  • 1/3 Cup Maple Syrup
  • 1 Tbs Espresso
  • 1/2 Tbs Apple Cider Vinegar
  • 1 Tsp Vanilla Extract
  • 1 Tsp Baking Soda
  • 1 Tsp Baking Powder


  • Preheat over to 350 degrees F.
  • In a bowl, mash approx. 5 bananas. The consistency should be fairly smooth but slightly chunky!
  • Add in dry ingredients to bowl of bananas, and mix once or twice until just combined.
  • In a separate bowl, mix wet ingredients (almond milk, melted coconut oil, maple syrup, vanilla extract, and apple cider vinegar).
  • Add mixed wet ingredients to the bowl with the dry ingredients + banana, and stir in (but try to stir as minimally as possible!).
  • Finally, fold in 1 cup nuts and seeds until evenly mixed. I used walnuts, pepitas, and almonds, chopped, but you can use any blend you like!
  • Pour batter into a bread pan lined with parchment paper. If desired, sprinkle any leftover nuts + seeds on top of the batter.
  • Bake in the oven for about 30-40 minutes. At 30 minutes, stick a toothpick in the bread to ensure it comes out dry. If not, keep in the oven for a few more minutes.
  • Once finished baking, let bread cool for a few minutes.
  • Slice and serve – it’s delicious on its own, but is fantastic with almond butter or chocolate hazelnut butter!


Depending on the size of your bananas, you may need to bake your banana bread for a few extra minutes in the oven. I recommend sticking a clean knife or toothpick through the middle to check – if it comes out clean, then the bread should be ready.

Espresso Banana Bread | Well and Full | #vegan #recipe

Song of the day:

In My Room – The Beach Boys

36 responses to “Espresso Banana Bread”

  1. Meg @ Noming thru Life Avatar

    Uh… YUM! You have some serious breakfast bread action on your hands here. Espresso meets banana bread – LOVE IT! My belly thanks you. :)

    1. WellAndFull Avatar

      You’re welcome, from my belly to yours! ;)

  2. Jessie Snyder | Faring Well Avatar

    Just gorgeous <3 And no answer, just in for the ride, life's an adventure!

    1. WellAndFull Avatar

      It’s an adventure alright! Albeit a very complicated one ;)

  3. Heidi Kokborg Avatar

    Yummy!! This looks so good :) & you can always eat banana bread!

    1. WellAndFull Avatar

      Thank you!! And yes, banana bread is good anytime :)

  4. Sofia // From the Land we Live on Avatar

    Oooh the gorgeous loaf I saw on IG! Beautiful pictures :) No answers to your Qs (I’m not sure anyone but you will ever have any) but I can totally relate….I’m 8 years out of school and still working on it. I realized that getting out of the office…like the physical office, was a big deal for me. I’m much happier doing my work from home. I’m lucky to have some income from doing work in my field (which I actually really like, as long as it’s not in an office), with the flexibility to spend time doing other things I’m interested in (like you, I have many!), but it’s still a work in progress….”some income” isn’t good enough to live in a city like Toronto. I think it just takes a while for some of us to figure it out….having many interests doesn’t pave a clear path.

    1. WellAndFull Avatar

      You’re absolutely right… rectifying passion with reality is something that 99% of people struggle with (the other 1% knowing exactly what they want to do with their lives). I totally agree with you on the office aspect though, it is pretty soul-sucking, isn’t it? I’m happy for you that you’ve been able to escape (and just a little jealous!).

  5. Vanessa @ Avatar

    Anything with espresso or coffee in it is bound to taste amazing! I’m such a sucker for coffee desserts and this looks soo soo good! Pinning to make later :)

    1. WellAndFull Avatar

      I’m the same way about coffee desserts (or coffee in general)! Hence the inspiration ;)

  6. Santa Avatar

    Mmh, I love your website! You take beautiful photos. I am planning on making some bread within next days and this is such great inspiration! Looks gorgeous! Keep it up, girly! (:

    1. WellAndFull Avatar

      Thank you!! I’m still figuring out my DSLR but photography is so rewarding, I don’t mind the journey! :)

  7. Pang @circahappy Avatar

    A warmed slice of this banana bread served with a refreshing glass of iced coffee + almond milk sound SO GOOD. I love how nutty & moist it looks; when I have ripe bananas again, I will need to try your recipe :)

    By the way, I think Steve Job has answered your question perfectly :)

    1. WellAndFull Avatar

      Thanks so much for sending me that video! Steve Jobs is such an inspirational figure.

  8. Harriet Emily Avatar

    5 stars
    Any day is a good day for banana bread in my household!! I love the addition of expresso too – I’ve never tried that before. This is such a beautiful recipe. I have to try it! I’m so glad I’ve found your wonderful blog :)

    1. WellAndFull Avatar

      I agree – banana bread is good any day! :)

  9. Laura | My Plant Based Kitchen Avatar

    This looks delicious! Even during the summer!! :)

    1. WellAndFull Avatar

      Especially with a glass of ice cold almond milk ;)

  10. dorota @ plants on the plate Avatar

    oh dear, this is exactly how i feel now! about to graduate after the summer, having no real idea about what I want to do except for everything because everything seems so fascinating! Good thing a. we are still young enough to check things and switch a little b. we can have those on-the-side outlets.
    and banana bread is really good for any time of the year!
    all the best, dorota

    1. WellAndFull Avatar

      hi dorota! best of luck on your graduation. you’re right, we have lots of time to figure things out! :)

  11. Alex Caspero MA,RD (@delishknowledge) Avatar

    Wow! This recipe looks incredible- summer or not, I’m always in the mood for banana bread! Love the espresso addition- can’t wait to make this one.

    1. WellAndFull Avatar

      Let me know how it goes!! :)

  12. Renee Sexton Avatar

    Yum, this looks amazing I’m definitely going to make that soon :)

    1. WellAndFull Avatar

      Thanks Renee! Let me know how it turns out! :)

  13. Mahy Avatar

    WOW Sarah, I am so craving this right now!

    1. WellAndFull Avatar


  14. Ashley Avatar

    5 stars
    Just stumbled upon your blog and I love the idea of adding the expresso into your banana bread! I feel like I need to make this for the 4th of July weekend and somehow call it patriotic.

    Know that learning and your ambitious journey may never end — which is ok. After I graduated and worked for six years, I decided to return to school to be a RD. Although its a scary change, embrace your thoughts and always go for it!!

    1. WellAndFull Avatar

      Ashley, thank you so much for sharing that with me!! I’ve actually considered going back to school and getting a degree in nutrition, or maybe even becoming a holistic health coach. You’re right, it’s horribly scary, but you have to follow your dreams, right? :) And maybe some red, white, and blue sprinkles can Americanize the banana bread? ;)

  15. Amanda Avatar

    As I did not have expresso, I followed this recipe but used the spices from your other banana bread recipe… yum! Delicious, but i would recommend using less banana as the middle was a little too soft. Also it includes vanilla extravt in the list of wet ingredients but not in the list of ingredients (I used a teaspoon). Otherwise great!

    1. Sarah Avatar

      Thank you Amanda! I’m glad you liked it :) And thanks for the tip about the bananas… sometimes it’s hard to write an amount for a recipe because they can vary in size so much. But I added a note at the end of the recipe about the baking time. Thanks for your feedback :)

  16. Jess B Avatar

    This banana bread sounds delicious and I’m definitely looking forward to trying it!

    On another note, I can absolutely relate to your feelings about life and careers! I am 29, went to school for entrepreneurship and because of moving around several times, took whatever job I could get at the time to pay the bills. It just so happen that I currently work in a corporate finance job that drives me to boredom every. single. day. Then when people ask what I want to do I am clueless. It’s tough, girl! Cheers to us both figuring it out one day :)

    1. Sarah Avatar

      We’ll figure it out one day, I’m sure of it! :) Sending hugs, Jess!


    This looks really good. I’m going to make it this weekend. :)

    1. Sarah Avatar

      Hope you like it! :)

  18. Michael Rodriguez Avatar
    Michael Rodriguez

    5 stars
    Yummy – just made it! Thanks!

    1. Sarah Avatar

      I’m so glad you liked this banana bread! :) Thanks so much for leaving a review!

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Hi friends! I’m Sarah, and welcome to Well and Full. Here, you’ll find seasonal, plant-forward recipes and lifestyle inspiration rooted in New England charm.