Quinoa Nourish Bowl w/ The Best Avocado Dressing

Chickpea + Quinoa Nourish Bowl w/ Green Goddess Dressing | Well and Full | #vegan #plantbased #recipe

Healthy, easy vegan Quinoa Nourish Bowl with a killer avocado dressing!

There’s a problem.

I had a realization last week that this is turning into less of a blog and more into a weekly “What Really Grinds My Gears” segment (Family Guy fans – I hope you get the reference) wherein I complain about whatever’s bothering me that week. And I see both sides of this – on one hand, every single person on the planet has problems that affect their lives, and it’s perfectly natural to air those grievances. On the other hand, if I want my life to be filled with positivity and happiness, I have to contribute to that objective. If I’m constantly complaining and moaning about my issues, what else could I expect other than an a pervading attitude of negativity in my life?

This realization came to me via a human named Jessie, who commented on the post where I complained about people asking me where, as a vegan, I get my protein. She wrote, “As for your words on veganism – as with everything, a sprinkle of grace and patience goes a long way”.


Exactly what I had been lacking.

Whether you believe in God, fate, karma, Newton’s Third Law, what have you – it is undeniable that sometimes the universe contrives to give you a wake up call when you most need it. Although Jessie’s comment was just about my post, I started to think about where I needed grace in other parts of my life.

As a Christian, the word “grace” has a definition that extends beyond my own actions. But for the parts of my life that are within my control, acting with grace means acting with kindness, humility, and goodwill. It encompasses all of those things. And while I’m not saying that I’ll never say a negative thing on this blog ever again, I am setting an intention to contribute to an attitude of positivity, to an atmosphere of kindness, and to find the grace that resides within me.

Those were my words for the soul – now here is some food for the soul.

I love the concept of a nourish bowl – something that not only feeds your stomach but nourishes your body. This particular bowl is filled with filling plant-based protein, healthy fiber, vitamins and nutrients, and an amazingly delicious avocado dressing that will knock your socks off. But actually. This dressing is soooo good. Just writing about it is making me seriously crave some tangy, savory, avocado-y goodness. I hope you all love it as much as I do!!

Chickpea + Quinoa Nourish Bowl w/ Green Goddess Dressing | Well and Full | #vegan #plantbased #recipe

Chickpea + Quinoa Nourish Bowl w/ Green Goddess Dressing | Well and Full | #vegan #plantbased #recipe

Quinoa Nourish Bowl w/ The Best Avocado Dressing

This crowd-pleasing quinoa nourish bowl is packed with plant-based protein and topped with an amazing avocado dressing that ties it all together!
Prep Time 20 minutes
Cook Time 30 minutes
Total Time 50 minutes
Servings 2 -3 Bowls
Calories 518kcal



  • 1 Cup Quinoa I used red quinoa
  • 2 Cups Water

Spiced Chickpeas

  • 1 1/2 Cups Chickpeas or 1 15oz can
  • Drizzle of Flax Oil or sub Extra Virgin Olive Oil
  • 1/2 Tsp Salt
  • 1/2 Tsp Paprika
  • 1/2 Tsp Garlic Powder
  • 1/4 Tsp Cumin
  • Pinch Cayenne optional

Green Goddess Dressing

  • 1 Avocado
  • Juice from 1 Lime
  • 1/2 Jalapeño ribs and seeds removed
  • Handful of Cilantro about 1/3 cup
  • 1/4 Cup Water
  • 1/4 Cup Extra Virgin Olive Oil
  • 1/8 Tsp Salt
  • 1/8 Tsp Pepper

Sautéed Swiss Chard

  • 2 Cup Swiss Chard chopped, packed
  • 1 Clove Garlic minced
  • Extra Virgin Olive Oil for sautéing

Garnishes (optional)

  • Fresh Sprouts
  • Hemp Seeds



  • Combine 1 cup quinoa to 2 cups water in a saucepan, and bring to a boil.
  • Once water is boiling, bring to a simmer until quinoa is cooked, about 15 minutes.

Spiced Chickpeas

  • Preheat oven to 450 degrees F.
  • Rinse and dry chickpeas.
  • In a bowl or plastic bag, combine chickpeas, spices, and oil. Mix until chickpeas are all evenly coated.
  • On a baking tray, assemble chickpeas as flatly as possible (i.e. chickpeas should not be on top of each other).
  • Bake in the oven for 20-25 minutes, or until slightly browned.

Green Goddess Dressing

  • In a high-speed blender, combine all dressing ingredients and blend until smooth and creamy.

Sautéed Swiss Chard

  • Bring a sauté pan to medium hit on the stovetop.
  • Sauté chopped swiss chard and minced garlic for about 5-10 minutes, or until swiss chard is wilted and garlic is slightly browned.

Putting It All Together

  • In a bowl, assemble quinoa as a base. On top, layer chickpeas and swiss chard. Drizzle generously with green goddess dressing, and garnish with sprouts and hemp seeds.
  • Enjoy!

Chickpea + Quinoa Nourish Bowl w/ Green Goddess Dressing | Well and Full | #vegan #plantbased #recipe

Instead of a “Song of the Day”, I wanted to use this space to raise awareness for the Sanctuary at Soledad Goats. (I was introduced to them via Gena at Choosing Raw, in her Weekend Reading list.) The owners of the Sanctuary were award-winning goat cheese makers, but have decided to switch to making 100% vegan cheeses out of compassion for the animals. In an article by Mercy for Animals, the owners talked about their decision:

The reason we have become vegan is being around our animals, knowing they have feelings; they love, have friends and family… how can you eat them? We look into the eyes of Juliet and Cleopatra, or Emma and the rest of the family, and you start to put their faces on the meat. The number of people who no longer eat pork after meeting Emma at the Hollywood farmers market is unbelievable. They no longer think of pork as something in a grocery store; it has a face and once had a life. We also can’t stand how animals are raised now. Factory farms have to end. The only way is to stop putting money in their pockets.
Dairy is no better. Even now, when we go to other dairies and see the goats wanting attention and getting none, just hit with sticks to get in to be milked, it tears my heart out. We have always treated our animals with love and gentleness. Anybody who visits the farm can see that. But being a dairy farm at all is still adding to the problem. We don’t want to be part of the problem, we want to be part of the solution.
I was so inspired by their words that I immediately made a donation to the Sanctuary. I don’t say this to elicit any sort of praise; I mention it because after being involved with animal rights activism for so many years, I’ve realized that every little bit counts, and that even the smallest donation can make a difference. I highly encourage you to take a look at their organization! You can even sponsor your own rescue animal here. :)

Quote of the Day:

 ““He who saves one life, saves the world entire.” – Talmud

36 responses to “Quinoa Nourish Bowl w/ The Best Avocado Dressing”

  1. Dani @ Dani California Cooks Avatar

    Lol! I totally get the family guy recipe – my brother/dad go around quoting all the time. I’m so glad I stumbled upon your blog this morning! I LOVE “nourish” bowls and that avo dressing looks like perfection.

    1. Sarah Avatar

      Thanks so much Dani! And I’m glad you got the Family Guy reference ;)

  2. Kate / Vegukate Avatar

    got to love the protein question…it just drives me mad!

    This bowl is a thing of beauty, and the green goddess dressing sounds heavenly!

    1. Sarah Avatar

      Thank you Kate! :)

  3. Kathryn @ The Scratch Artist Avatar

    Beautiful sentiment regarding grace. Thank you for sharing what Jessie shared with you. I am most grateful in my life for the people who, with the simplest of words or perhaps a question, can return me to myself.

    1. Sarah Avatar

      Those kinds of people are the best :)

  4. Jessie @ Chasing Belle Avatar

    This dish is one of the most colorful and yummy looking ones I have seen in a while! Nice work. And avocado sauce is my fave! Love the quote too :)

    1. Sarah Avatar

      Thank you Jessie! I must say it tastes as good as it looks ;)

  5. Sophie | The Green Life Avatar

    Avocado dressings are so so so good!! This bowl sounds incredibly nourishing indeed! Gorgeous! <3

    1. Sarah Avatar

      Thanks Sophie!! I love avo dressings too :)

  6. Susannah (Lemon and Coconut) Avatar

    5 stars
    Hey Sarah, I love your site and this post is so true, we must go through life with as much grace as possible and have understanding and patience for others, as we are all human and so struggling with various things, no matter how trying, we only hurt ourselves and others by getting stressed, but I know it is so difficult sometimes (often)! Thanks for sharing! I love the recipe, I must be more adventurous with chickpeas!

    1. Sarah Avatar

      Thank you so much Susannah! I’m really glad you appreciated my post; it’s a constant process for me to improve and constantly become more patient, but I’m trying every day! :) And yes go nuts with chickpeas!! They’re so versatile and forgiving, it’s hard to mess them up!

  7. Jenn @ A Toast to the Good Life Avatar

    Oh I love this post. We all at times need to vent and reflect and let go. We totally get it! We are all human, but I do think it’s great that you discuss your thoughts. We can all appreciate that.
    Now… onto this insanely delicious looking dish!! I must try. It looks fabulous and I am intrigued by all of these flavors. Thanks for sharing! xo

    1. Sarah Avatar

      Thanks Jenn! It really means a lot to me when people can relate to what I write :)

  8. Jessie Snyder | Faring Well Avatar

    I just want to give you a big hug right now, blushing face and all. And then we can share big bowls of this recipe genius, okay? :)

    1. Sarah Avatar

      Sending lots of <3 <3 <3 :)

  9. Sus @ roughmeasures.com Avatar

    I know what you mean about feeling like you’re constantly complaining. I am the WORST ad talking negatively instead of focussing on the positives in my life. My partner tells me ALL THE TIME – ‘focus on what you have Sus, and not what you don’t’ – I love your blog Sarah and it brings positivity into my life through you beautiful recipes and photos. ALL HAIL POSITIVITY (and grace) x PS THIS BOWL IS BANGING!

    1. Sarah Avatar

      Thank you so much for reaching out Sus :) Sometimes I feel like such an awful person for complaining so much but I’m always trying to find that positivity, you know? But if my blog has made you feel positive even once, then I consider that progress ;) So what you wrote means a lot to me. XO

  10. Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine Avatar

    Such a new fan of the green goddess ;)

    1. Sarah Avatar

      Isn’t it the best!! :)

  11. Lauren Gaskill | Making Life Sweet Avatar

    I love how God uses others to speak to us and tell us exactly what we need to hear. It’s so easy to be negative, but I am so happy for you that you are going to choose positivity instead. I always like to think about Jesus when I think about staying positive. He had all the reasons in the world to be negative and defensive, or throw a pity party. But he didn’t. He extended grace. He loved. He offered a gentle smile. So happy I found your blog dear! Blessings to you and you can bet I’ll be trying this nourish bowl out soon! :)

    1. Sarah Avatar

      Thank you so much for your note, Lauren. Growing up my mother always told me, “The Lord works in mysterious ways” and as I get older, I find that to be more true than ever. I too try to think of how Jesus would act in a given situation… in so many instances nowadays, people try to use religion as an excuse to judge, condemn, or censure. But when you read the bible, you realize Jesus didn’t do any of that. It’s exactly what you said – He loved. He extended grace. And I think that’s a wonderful way to live your life :)

  12. Erica Avatar

    This dressing sounds absolutely dreamy. And I’m in love with all your bowls – firm believer that some of the best meals come from bowls! You have a wonderful sense of writing as well, keep ’em coming! :)

    1. Sarah Avatar

      Thanks Erica, I really appreciate it :)

  13. Kimberly/TheLittlePlantation Avatar

    Positivity is where it’s at girl! Good for you and stunning bowl :)

    1. Sarah Avatar

      Thanks girl! :)

  14. Becca | Spices and Spatulas Avatar

    Quinoa and avocado are my two favorite things, I can’t get over how delicious this bowl looks. I think I’m going to have to make it for dinner tonight! xo

    1. Sarah Avatar

      Ahh let me know how it turns out!! :D

  15. Grace @ FoodFitnessFreshAir.com Avatar

    I’m all for positivity, and food for the soul! This looks both beautiful and delicious Sarah.

    1. Sarah Avatar

      Thanks Grace! :D

  16. genevieve @ gratitude & greens Avatar

    So glad to hear that you are bringing more positivity into your life! I try to be empathetic and take everything with a grain of salt- I have a tattoo on my arm that says, “This is water, this is water.” from David Foster Wallace’s essay of the same name (This Is Water) and it reminds me to be kind every day. It’s a bit too complex for me to explain in a blog comment but you should read the essay if you have time! It’s had a powerful impact on me and how I view the world (hence the tattoo ;) ). These nourish bowls sound so incredibly good and I love that you put jalapeno in the avocado dressing for a bit of a zing! xo

    1. Sarah Avatar

      I just read the essay and I’m so glad you sent it along my way. Wallace’s words on daily life – especially his example of food shopping – really resonated with me. I definitely feel like I’ve slipped into a routine; a sort of “default setting” as it were. I feel less and less like I’m experiencing, in the truest sense of the word. I really appreciate you bringing this essay to my awareness, Gen. Also – I got your email but I’ve been so bad at keeping up with my mailbox! I’ll email you back later tonight, let’s talk about this essay more :)

  17. Audrey @ Unconventional Baker Avatar

    This dish is calling my name :) Now I’m totally making some roasted chickpeas tomorrow, and that green goddess dressing sounds AMAZING.

    1. Sarah Avatar

      It DID come out pretty great, if I do say so myself!! :D If you make it, let me know how it turns out!! XO

  18. Evi @ greenevi Avatar

    5 stars
    This must be just the perfect salad! I am just about to prepare a dinner salad and was wondering what dressing to make. And now I know. THIS ONE! Thanks for the inspiration!

    1. Sarah Avatar

      I hope you like it Evi!! :D

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Hi friends! I’m Sarah, and welcome to Well and Full. Here, you’ll find seasonal, plant-forward recipes and lifestyle inspiration rooted in New England charm.