Green Garlic Bread Dipping Oil

Green Garlic Bread Dipping Oil | Well and Full | #recipe #spring

Irresistible and Easy Green Garlic Bread Dipping Oil! Made with flavorful extra virgin olive oil and Italian seasonings.

I know I’m coming in a little late with my last spring recipe of the season (technically, spring ends June 20th). But this Green Garlic Bread Dipping Oil is TOO GOOD not to share!

My husband and I are best friends, and we always talk and text throughout the day even though we’re apart. If he tells me he hasn’t had the chance to eat much on a given day, I like to make him a little appetizer to snack on while I’m finishing up dinner. A classic app in my rotation is a fresh baguette, with a deliciously seasoned bowl of olive oil to dip it in.

I had the pleasure of meeting renowned French chef, Jacques Pépin, back in 2019. I asked him, in French, what his favorite thing to eat was. He answered simply – “bread and butter”. Now, it’s important to note that French butter is much, much different than its American counterpart. It’s creamy, rich, and has an incredible complexity of flavor. But despite my having tried French butter in France, I still prefer bread and olive oil.

I LOVE olive oil. A bottle of well-made extra virgin olive oil is both a necessity and a luxury for me. Depending on what type of olives the oil is made from, it can range from bold and peppery to smooth and fruity. To quote my idol, Ina Garten, I must insist that you use good olive oil for this recipe. There are so many amazing, (comparatively) affordable brands out there with delicious EVOOs that would be perfect for this recipe. Combined with green garlic and a host of spices from your cabinet, it makes the perfect companion for bread!

Green Garlic | Well and Full
Let’s talk about green garlic! 

Now onto the star of the show – green garlic. Also known as spring garlic or baby garlic, green garlic is a seasonal allium that packs a fresher, milder punch compared to its mature counterpart. Green garlic isn’t a separate variety; it’s just young garlic harvested before it matures into the garlic bulb you can find in the grocery store. It looks similar to a scallion – a slender green stalk with a white bulb forming at the base, topped with flat green leaves.

Green garlic has a delicious flavor profile. Of course it has that unmistakable garlic flavor, but with a milder and more delicate taste. Hints of grassiness and onion also come through, making it a versatile ingredient for various dishes. I kind of think of it as a cross between regular garlic and chives. The best thing about green garlic is that, like scallions, both the white bulb and the green stalks are edible.

Here are some ideas on how you can incorporate green garlic into your cooking:

  • Finely chopped: Add it to stir-fries, omelets, or scrambled eggs for a garlicky garnish
  • Sautéed: Sautéed green garlic adds amazing flavor to pasta dishes, rice bowls, or as a topping for pizzas and flatbreads.
  • Blended: Blend it into sauces, dips, pestos, or marinades for a subtle garlic flavor.
  • Infused: Steep green garlic in olive oil to create a flavorful infused oil perfect for drizzling over vegetables, salads, or grilled meats.

I hope you love this recipe as much as I do! Enjoy! :)

Green Garlic Bread Dipping Oil | Well and Full | #recipe #spring

Green Garlic Bread Dipping Oil FAQs

What can I use if I don’t have green garlic?

This recipe is designed to showcase green garlic, but if you can’t get your hands on it, substitute the same quantity (3-4 tbsp) as follows: 1-2 tbsp chopped fresh garlic, and 1-2 tbsp chopped fresh scallions (green onions). It won’t be the same taste, but it’ll still give that delicious allium flavor!

What kind of oil is best for bread dipping oil?

For this recipe, make sure to use the best possible extra virgin olive oil (EVOO) you can. Here’s a great article from Food Network explaining what extra virgin olive oil means, and why it’s different from regular olive oil. A really good EVOO can make or break a bread dipping oil, so be sure to use one you like!

Can you make bread dipping oil ahead of time?

I recommend making this oil the day you’re serving it. It can definitely last a room temperature for several hours, but it will taste best when fresh. If it were just made with shelf-stable ingredients, like dried spices, it would last longer. However, the fresh green garlic means that the oil should be eaten soon after making.

How long does bread dipping oil last?

If made with shelf-stable ingredients, bread dipping oil can stay good up to a month in the fridge. But because this recipe is made with fresh, raw green garlic, I would recommend consuming it within 1-2 days at maximum. Don’t worry though, this recipe takes mere minutes to put together!

Can I substitute roasted garlic for green garlic in bread dipping oil?

Technically you can, but you’ll miss out on the unique flavor of green garlic! The combination of spices I’ve used here are really meant to let the green garlic shine, while still complementing its flavor. But if you can’t get your hands on green garlic, or don’t want to try the substitution I listed above, roasted garlic would also be delicious! Just be sure to check the salt levels of the roasted garlic, because they are often salted before roasting.

What kind of vinegar is good for bread dipping oil?

Balsamic vinegar is a classic for bread dipping oil, but in this recipe I’ve used lemon to complement the fresh and vibrant flavor of the green garlic. I don’t recommend using balsamic vinegar in this recipe, because it will detract from the green garlic.

What kind of bread is best for dipping oil?

My favorite bread for dipping is a freshly-baked baguette because I love the crust! But you can use any high-quality white bread you like! I don’t recommend rye or pumpernickel bread because the flavor is too strong. White bread is perfect because it’s a blank slate.

How do I reheat leftover bread dipping oil?

This recipe is not meant to be heated! Instead, if you’ve refrigerated your oil, take it out and let it come to room temperature on its own. I do NOT recommend microwaving oil – you’ll likely end up with an oil bubble explosion!

Green Garlic Bread Dipping Oil | Well and Full | #recipe #springGreen Garlic | Well and Full

Green Garlic Bread Dipping Oil | Well and Full | #recipe #spring

Green Garlic Bread Dipping Oil

Irresistible and Easy Green Garlic Bread Dipping Oil! Made with flavorful extra virgin olive oil and Italian seasonings.
Course Appetizer, condiments
Keyword basil, black pepper, green garlic, lemon, lemons, oregano
Prep Time 5 minutes
Marinating Time 10 minutes


  • 1/3 Cup Extra Virgin Olive Oil
  • 1 Stalk Green Garlic finely chopped, about 3-4 tbsp
  • 1 Tbsp Freshly Squeezed Lemon Juice
  • 1 Tsp Dried Basil
  • 1/2 Tsp Dried Oregano
  • 1/4 Tsp Salt plus more to taste
  • 1 Tsp Toasted Sesame Seeds
  • Black Pepper to taste
  • Red Pepper Flakes optional, to taste


  • Finely chop your stalk of green garlic, using both the green and pale white parts of the stem. You should have about 3-4 tbsp depending on the size of your stalk.
  • Add the olive oil to a shallow bowl, then add in all the other ingredients. Start with 1/4 tsp salt, then stir and taste. If the flavor tastes "flat", add a pinch more of salt, until to your liking.
  • Stir the dipping oil well.
  • Dipping oil can be served immediately; but for best results, let the green garlic marinate in the oil mixture for 10-15 minutes before eating.
  • Enjoy!


  • Even though sesame seeds aren’t part of traditional Italian seasoning, don’t skip them! The toasted seeds add a delicious nutty flavor that balances SO well with the fresh green garlic.
  • If you can’t find green garlic, substitute with 1-2 tbsp finely chopped fresh garlic and 1-2 tbsp finely chopped scallion (green onion). Because mature garlic cloves have a stronger taste than green garlic, let them marinate in the oil and lemon juice for at least 10-15 minutes before serving.

Green Garlic Bread Dipping Oil | Well and Full | #recipe #springGreen Garlic Bread Dipping Oil | Well and Full | #recipe #spring


For more recipes and New England lifestyle inspiration, be sure to follow along on Pinterest, Instagram, and TikTok! If you make a recipe, please tag me in the photo and use the hashtag #wellandfull so I can see! I love seeing your creations!

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Hi friends! I’m Sarah, and welcome to Well and Full. Here, you’ll find seasonal, plant-forward recipes and lifestyle inspiration rooted in New England charm.