Vermont Maple Lemonade

Vermont Maple Lemonade | Well and Full | #vegan #plantbased #recipe

Before I get started, I want to thank each and every one of you who read my story about Ivy earlier this week. It’s amazing how much this little furball means to me. I loved reading the responses, especially those of you who had personal stories to share about animals or rescue pets. While I’m clearly passionate about animal rights, rescuing and adopting dogs is the cause nearest to my heart. I’ll definitely be talking about it more in October, which is Adopt a Shelter Dog Month.

But back to the yums. We’re just starting to see the first signs of fall in Connecticut, and it’s been almost simultaneously punctuated by an surge of autumnal recipes from the blogosphere – which I am LOVING. Everyone’s been talking about their favorite fall “things”, whether it be #pumpkinspiceeverything, autumn foliage, cool weather, apple picking, etc. I wish I could send out a public service announcement saying, YES! THIS!!

While it may be rather redundant of me, I’m just dying to share my favorite things about fall too. I’m a fan of the obvious things, of course (like apple cider donuts and pretty leaves), but since my birthday is in September (next week actually!) I’ve always looked forward to autumn with a certain anticipation. It’s crazy how much more important birthdays seem to you when you’re young, right? During my childhood I remember looking forward to mine all year. My parents always tried so hard to make that day special for me…. For example, on my fifth birthday, my parents rented a pony for my party, and my friends and I got to ride the pony around my backyard! My dad wore his cowboy hat, and he led the pony around with one eager five year-old on it at a time. There’s this photo he has in his study of him leading the pony with me on it, and I’m pretty sure I’m wearing a pink Barney sweater and purple leggings. Oh, 1997. I remember that day so vividly… the temperature was cool and crisp, and maple and oak leaves were falling from the forest that lines my backyard. It was magical.

Autumn also marked the time when my grandparents would take me to the orchard to pick apples and pumpkins. We went every year without fail, and I remember my grandpa would pick me up and help me reach the apples on the higher branches. Unfortunately, when my grandma died of breast cancer in 2001, we stopped going as a family. But I still look upon those memories with such warmth and fondness. And while growing up I may have been convinced that winter was my favorite season, the beautiful nostalgia I have for fall may give the winter some competition.

But I would be remiss if I didn’t talk about autumn food, which may be the best food of the year. I’ve been seeing so many amazing recipes across the web that I felt inspired to share some of my favorites:

1// Maple Crumb Donuts // Faring Well

2// Vegan Pumpkin Spice Latte // The Vegan 8

3// Hippie Harvest Hemp Gazpacho // Will Frolic for Food

4// Aberdeen Apple Crush Cocktail // The Clean Dish

5// Pumpkin Spice Muffins // Bakerita

6// Fall Veg and Lentil Bowl with Goji Ginger Tahini Cream // The First Mess

7// Apple Spice Cake with Coconut Cream Frosting // The Frosted Vegan

8// Zucchini Spice Cake with Cream Cheese Frosting // The Pretty Bee

Now to this lemonade. I know when people think “fall” they don’t necessarily think lemonade, but hear me out. As it’s still fairly early in September, the weather is in that awkward phase where the mornings are really cool but the afternoons are really hot. (Seriously though how do we go from 52 to 82 degrees within 8 hours?!) Enter Vermont maple-sweetened lemonade. The other week when I was in Vermont, I stocked up on a bunch of maple syrup from local farms, which make the perfect sweetener for any drink (or anything really).

Vermont Maple Lemonade | Well and Full | #vegan #plantbased #recipe


Vermont Maple Lemonade

This maple lemonade is subtly sweet and slightly tart, combining a refreshing summer drink with classic autumn maple syrup.
Prep Time 5 minutes
Total Time 5 minutes


  • 5 Cups Water
  • 4 Lemons about 1/2 cup juice
  • 1/3 Cup Maple Syrup


  • Juice the lemons either by hand or using a squeezer. Try to squeeze every last drop you can out of them!
  • In a blender, combine water, lemon juice, and maple syrup. Pulse for about 10 seconds, until all ingredients are combined.
  • Note: you can mix the lemonade with a spoon or a whisk but I’ve found that blending it helps the maple syrup distribute evenly!
  • Serve with ice.


IMPORTANT NOTE – I don’t like super sweet drinks, so this lemonade is fairly tart. However, you can add more maple syrup if you like!

Song of the Day:

Take More Than You Need – Denison Witmer

A Person Recommendation: Grab a glass of this lemon, listen to this song, and watch the clouds or the leaves fall or the sunset with someone you care about. 

19 responses to “Vermont Maple Lemonade”

  1. Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine Avatar

    Fall-time lemonade…o there is nothing better than true real maple syrup!! The lovely deep taste! This is fantastic!

    1. Sarah Avatar

      Thanks girl!! :D

  2. Abby @ The Frosted Vegan Avatar

    Thanks for including me dear!I love love love all things fall (of course DONUTS) and can’t wait to put this lemonade into my regular rotation. I go through maple syrup like nobody’s business, so I’m jealous you are so close to Vermont to get the good stuff!

    1. Sarah Avatar

      How could I NOT include your amazing Apple Spice Cake?! It was a no-brainer!! :D

  3. dixya | food, pleasure, and health Avatar

    i have never had lemonade with maple syrup..but it sounds so good.

    1. Sarah Avatar

      It’s the best!! You get this subtle maple flavor that just knocks it out of the park :)

  4. Sus @ Avatar

    Yay for autumn, maple and September birthdays (Happy Birthday to you!) I had mine last week and now feel well and truly old! This lemonade sounds so darn tasty, I’ve a stinkin cold at the minute and have been craving super tangy, sharp flavours to try and kick it out of my body! X

    1. Sarah Avatar

      Oh no I’m sorry to hear you have a cold!! :( You know what might help? Spicy foods. I notice that when I have a cold and I eat something spicy, my sinuses clear right up!! :D

  5. rachel @ atheltic avocado Avatar

    this is such a great idea! Love that its made with pure and whole ingredients

    1. Sarah Avatar

      Thank you Rachel! :D

  6. Kristen @ The Endless Meal Avatar

    5 stars
    I love the idea of autumn lemonade! It’s actually very similar to lemonade I make for my little nephew when he comes to visit. He’ll ask for it by calling it “Aunty’s special lemonade.” Think I’ll have to make myself one this morning. :)

    Thank you for sharing the song, too. It’s so beautiful and perfect for this time of year.

    1. Sarah Avatar

      That’s so sweet that you make a special lemonade for your little nephew!! I wish I had nieces and nephews :) And I’m really glad you like the song!! :D

  7. Audrey @ Unconventional Baker Avatar

    Mmm… Vermont maple syrup is delicious. I had friends send me some recently and it’s good stuff. Not that there’s a lack of maple syrup over here in Canada, but when you have it as much as I do you start to really appreciate the subtle flavor differences :)

    1. Sarah Avatar

      I’ve actually never had Canadian maple syrup, I think! Being a small-town New Englander I usually know at least 5 people at a given time who tap their own maple trees ;)

  8. Danielle + Rooting The Sun Avatar

    why hello september baby! i’m feeling quite fortunate this week because i’m getting to find out that some of the loveliest ladies are of september weather and time. i’m on the 27th, and the moon sounds like it’s going to be red! :) this is a stellar idea for this time of year – a maple lemonade! i’m absolutely dying to try this combination. i love the tartness of lemon. i was originally from rhode island, and while i was young in school they always had us visit tapped trees – unbeatable. one of my favorite pictures is a tiny me sticking my mouth up to the tap on the tree. happy coming fall sarah! :)

    1. Sarah Avatar

      Hey Danielle!! Happy almost birthday! :D My birthday’s actually on the 24th, we’re only 3 days apart!

  9. Alison @Food by Mars Avatar

    You painted such a lovely picture :) This is why I love the fall… and maple syrup, sigh. Don’t get me started on my love for it. I use it in everything. I will definitely be making this! xo

    1. Sarah Avatar

      Thanks Alison!! :D

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Hi friends! I’m Sarah, and welcome to Well and Full. Here, you’ll find seasonal, plant-forward recipes and lifestyle inspiration rooted in New England charm.