Barbecue Chickpea Rice Bowl

Barbecue Chickpea Rice Bowl | Well and Full | #vegan #recipe

Do you ever just feel like your life will be going along normally, then suddenly 3 million things will start happening at once? That’s how I’m feeling right now (read: super overwhelmed). Right now, I’m trying to make sense of my cookbook offer, figure out my classes for the upcoming semester for my Master’s in Nutrition, and deal with the 10,000 doctor’s appointments that all seemed to fall on this week (well maybe not 10,000, but you get my meaning). Today I have another doctor’s appointment – this time with a GI specialist who I’ve been waiting to see for a few months now. She’s apparently one of the best GI doctors in the area, and I’m really hoping she can help me figure out this awful stomach stuff I’ve been going through. I’m trying not to get frustrated with my limitations right now, but my health problems are REALLY getting old. None of my other doctors have been able to really find a solution to the constant nausea / stomachaches… they’ve all just kind of dismissed it as IBS (which is really hard to treat). But there HAS to be something else going on with my stomach, because this is way out of the realm of normalcy, even for IBS patients. I’m putting a lot of hope in the doctor that I’m seeing today. It’s all I can do.

But I should take this opportunity to express gratitude that I actually have access to legitimate healthcare, something that is a privilege in America. I don’t mean to make a political statement, but I don’t know what I’d do if I didn’t have access to the doctors and healthcare professionals who have been helping me. If any of you readers out there work in healthcare, I want to take this opportunity to thank you for making a difference in your patients’ lives. For someone who’s been plagued with debilitating GI symptoms for months now, the healthcare professionals I’ve worked with are a source of hope for me – and I know you’re a source of hope for many others, too.

Today’s recipe was inspired by a craving – I just had to have something barbecue-y. It’s something about the warmer temperatures that just makes me crave barbecue flavors. I cooked chickpeas in spices and BBQ sauce, which turned them into something (dare I say) meaty, saucy, and mouthwatering. Paired with wholesome brown rice and leafy greens, and topped with an amazing hummus vinaigrette (that you can make with any hummus you have on hand!) – this bowl is a serious winner.

Barbecue Chickpea Rice Bowl | Well and Full | #vegan #recipe


Barbecue Chickpea Rice Bowl

This vegan rice bowl is made with mouthwatering barbecue chickpeas, and paired with long-grain brown rice and a hummus vinaigrette.
Prep Time 15 minutes
Cook Time 30 minutes
Total Time 45 minutes
Servings 2


Brown Rice

  • 1 Cup Long Grain Brown Rice
  • 2 Cups Water for cooking


  • 1 1/2 Cups Cooked Chickpeas
  • 2 Tbs Extra Virgin Olive Oil
  • 1/4 Cup Barbecue Sauce
  • 1/2 Tsp Smoked Paprika
  • 1/2 Tsp Chili Powder
  • Salt to taste

Hummus Vinaigrette

  • 1/4 Cup Hummus any kind will do
  • 1/4 Cup Extra Virgin Olive Oil
  • Juice from 1 – 1 1/2 Limes
  • Salt and Pepper to taste

To Serve

  • Baby Kale or any type of greens
  • Any other accoutrements you like


Brown Rice

  • Start by cooking the brown rice. Bring the rice and water to a boil together, then reduce to a simmer for about a half hour, or until all rice is absorbed.
  • Note – different types of rice can cook at different rates, so when in doubt, just cook the rice based on the package’s instructions.
  • When done, fluff with a fork an set aside.


  • While the rice is cooking, make the chickpeas. Preheat oven to 425 degrees F.
  • In a bowl, combine chickpeas, olive oil, barbecue sauce (just use your favorite kind), and spices, and mix until the chickpeas are evenly coated.
  • Line a baking sheet with parchment paper, and spread chickpeas out as evenly as possible.
  • Bake chickpeas in the oven for 20 minutes, stirring halfway.
  • When done, remove from oven and set aside.

Hummus Vinaigrette

  • In a blender, combine hummus (any kind will do – I used chipotle hummus), olive oil, and lime juice. Add in the juice from 1 lime, taste, and add juice from another 1/2 lime if you like. Blend until everything is evenly mixed.
  • Taste and adjust seasoning if necessary – add salt or pepper, etc.

Putting it All Together

  • In bowls, portion out rice, chickpeas, baby kale / greens, and any other toppings you like. Top with as much hummus vinaigrette as you like, then serve!
  • Enjoy!

Barbecue Chickpea Rice Bowl | Well and Full | #vegan #recipe

Song of the Day:

Knee Deep – Zac Brown Band


If you make this recipe and post it on Instagram, be sure to tag me @wellandfull and #wellandfull so I can see! I love seeing your takes on my recipes :)

30 responses to “Barbecue Chickpea Rice Bowl”

  1. Rachel @ athletic avocado Avatar

    I just started getting into chickpeas, no I can’t stop! BBQ chickpeas sounds incredible, especially as a topping to this wonderful rice bowl!

    1. Sarah Avatar

      BBQ chickpeas are the best!! ;) Thanks girl!

      1. Jeanette Schmidt Avatar

        5 stars
        You have a new partner now. I am a fan of BBQ chickpeas as well. Yum !!!

      2. Sarah Avatar

        Awesome! :D

    2. Colleen Avatar

      I tried this last night Rachel it was so scrumptious! I had a few garlic pickles with it. Very satisfying!

      1. Sarah Avatar

        Jumping in here to say that I need to try this with garlic pickles!! That sounds so good!!

  2. Maya | Spice + Sprout Avatar

    I am so sorry to hear about the lack of answers to your health problems, Sarah. I don’t have the same experience, but I can relate to multiple doctor appointments and never REALLY feeling like you are being heard. I really hope that this new doctor can help you! On a brighter note, this bowl looks delicious! Roasted chickpeas are always a fave, but I have never thought to make BBQ ones, so great! xo

    1. Sarah Avatar

      Thank you, Maya. It IS really hard when you’re going to the doctors but not really getting any better :( But thank you for your kind words about this recipe :)

  3. Liesl Avatar

    I’m so sorry about your stomach issues…it’s so frustrating when no one has any answers. Trust me, I’ve been there. Best of luck with the new one.

    Where are you studying for your Masters of Nutrition? I’ve been looking at programs and am overwhelmed! How did you make your decision?

    1. Sarah Avatar

      Hi Liesl!! I’ll shoot you an email about how I picked my Master’s program :)

  4. Carol Campbell Avatar

    5 stars
    This sounds yummy. I would switch the brown rice and use quinoa but it’s all good!

    1. Sarah Avatar

      Quinoa would be just as delicious!! :D

  5. Demeter | Beaming Baker Avatar

    I hope your doctor’s appointments go well. :) In the meantime, I’ll think good thoughts… some of them will definitely include dreaming about this delicious bbq chickpea rice bowl. I love that you paired all of that bbq yum with hummus vinaigrette. Just the thought of these flavors together make me hungry! Pinning and looking forward to more! :)

    1. Sarah Avatar

      Thank you so much Demeter!! :)

  6. Nikki Avatar

    Wow, I love my buddha bowls and always through in chicpeas but BBQ chicpeas??? That sounds unreal I will definitely have to try it, Xx

    Nikki |

    1. Sarah Avatar

      Thanks Nikki!! :D

  7. Megan Avatar

    This looks super tasty, Sarah! When it first popped up in my Feedly, I assumed you’d just mixed the chickpeas with the BBQ sauce – but roasting the sauce covered chickpeas is brilliant. I bet that really ups the flavor factor!

    1. Sarah Avatar

      Thanks Megan!! I think roasting the chickpeas in the sauce really helped them absorb all the flavor ;)

  8. Alexandra | Occasionally Eggs Avatar

    I get it, Sarah! I struggled with an undiagnosed dairy allergy for years, and my boyfriend has serious stomach issues that still haven’t been diagnosed after multiple invasive tests. It’s so hard. Someone will be able to figure it out, though, eventually. I hope this appointment goes well and you’re feeling better soon. Sending light your way this week!

    1. Sarah Avatar

      Thank you so much, Alexandra. I hope your boyfriend figures out what’s ailing him soon, too <3

  9. Bianca - Elephantastic Vegan Avatar

    This bbq chickpea rice bowl looks so good! The first time I had hummus as a sauce/vinaigrette was actually at my mother’s house when she made us a vegan bbq platter. It was so good and before I’ve never thought of the idea to make hummus more liquidy. My mum is the farthest away of becoming vegan, but since I’m only visiting a few times a year, she always wants to impress us with delicious vegan food for me and my boyfriend.
    So sorry to hear about your stomach thing! I can totally relate in a way. I’ve been having stomach troubles for almost 8 years now! It’s not permanent however and it appears to only happen when I’m under a lot of stress (I easily get stressed) and I guess it’s more like a psychological issue because I’ve pretty much ruled out all food in tolerances. I hope you’ll get to the source of your stomach thing soon. <3 Much love and take care!

    1. Sarah Avatar

      Thank you so much for your kind words, Bianca! My stomach issues also seem to appear in times of stress, too. But then it can take up to a year for them to go away, which is a problem. I just need to find a way to deal with the stress and ALSO the stomach problems. If you have any advice, I’d love to hear it :)

  10. Gena Avatar

    5 stars
    This is my idea of comfort food, Sarah! It’s beautiful, nourishing, flavorful, filling…couldn’t ask for more in a recipe.

    I certainly know the feeling of overwhelmed (it’s pretty much how I’ve felt throughout the last year!), but I think it’s great that you can still exercise gratitude and perspective amidst all of the stuff that life is handing you right now. Good luck riding it out!

    1. Sarah Avatar

      Expressing gratitude is how I try to prevent being overwhelmed by being overwhelmed ;) Thanks Gena!!

  11. Meg @ Noming thru Life Avatar

    I can relate to living at the doctors, and the shear overwhelming-ness of it. I hope your answers are around the next bend… it’s been enough of an adventure already. On another note I’ve been all about the hummus dressing lately. It’s so easy and crammed full of flavor, who wouldn’t love it? And your bbq chickpea bowl looks perfect for my hummus dressing addiction ;)

    1. Sarah Avatar

      Thanks Meg <3 And isn’t hummus dressing the best!? ;)

  12. Traci | Vanilla And Bean Avatar

    I LOL, Sarah.. “dare I say something meaty, saucy?” I get it! This looks like a perfect way to quench that BBQ thirst! I must have something BBQish come summer. I was eyen jackfruit at the store yesterday. I’d never seen it in it’s whole form before. I was intimidated because I’ve never broken one down before. It was huge. But I kept thinking about all the images on Pinterest and how it’s been prepared. Mostly as a saucy BBQ sandwich! :o !! I *can relate to the one million things all at once. You have so much going on for sure. I hope your getting enough rest and you find resolutions soon to your stomach issue. It’s a lot of work staying on top of our health. (hurray to BF landing his first place!!) xo

    1. Sarah Avatar

      I’m still a little iffy about jackfruit too… I would have no idea how to break it down either!! ;) But thank you so much for your kind words of encouragement, Traci, I hope I’ll find resolutions to my issues soon.

  13. Colleen Avatar

    I am vegan but I NEVER THOUGHT TO MAKE SOMETHING LIKE THIS! I made the bbq chickpeas from this recipe last night and had a few garlic pickles with it and WOW was it absolutely divine. Vey filling too. This has become one of my favorite things to make now thank you ever so much. Hearty and satisfying! I am going to try this recipe using sweet maple bbq sauce one day I bet its delicious too!

    1. Sarah Avatar

      I’m so glad you liked this recipe!! Those barbecue chickpeas are one of my favorite recipes too! :) Thanks so much for leaving this kind note, I appreciate it! :)

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Hi friends! I’m Sarah, and welcome to Well and Full. Here, you’ll find seasonal, plant-forward recipes and lifestyle inspiration rooted in New England charm.