A Really Good Vegan Carbonara

A Really Good Vegan Carbonara | Well and Full

This is such an amazing community. I asked for support, and you went above and beyond in your answer. The emails, messages, comments… not only did they make me feel less alone, but they helped me believe that I could get through this mess. I’m still taking things day by day, but it’s starting to look just a little bit brighter.

I had a check-in call with the director of my holistic nutrition school which was supposed to be about a question I had on the quiz. But it turned into an amazing heart-to-heart session where we talked about the root cause of situational unhappiness. I realized that the situations themselves weren’t the entire reason I was feeling unhappy…. it was how I was treating myself in response. I’m having financial difficulties…. I’m a failure. Or, My relationship ended…. I’m unlovable. Really just a bunch of negative self-talk.

This is something I’ve written about on the blog before, and it’s a continual learning journey for me. Being kind to myself is so hard. I don’t know why it’s so hard but it’s pretty much the thing that I’m worst at. But the director of my school brought up a good point – how we talk to ourselves translates into how we talk to others, even if we don’t realize it. Getting into the habit of negative dialogue is something that permeates every aspect of how we communicate. And I realized that this was so true – all of the times I had spoken especially harshly to myself, I would also speak harshly around others.

That check-in was kind of a wake up call for me. I wasn’t entirely motivated to be nice to myself when it was just me involved, but knowing that it could affect others makes me really want to try harder.

But y’all will be very proud of me – I went to yoga this morning with my roommate, even though I’ve become terribly inflexible. But I didn’t put myself down once! I couldn’t fully do all the poses, but I just kind of breathed in the moment and did the best I could. And that’s such an important message – even if we’re not exactly where we want to be, just doing the best we can is all we can ask for.

I still don’t feel 100% back to normal, but I’m taking small steps. I’m embracing the little victories (like being nice to myself at yoga). And today I want to encourage all of you to celebrate YOUR small victories too!

Today’s recipe is one that I’m really excited about – CARBONARA!! I’ve seen vegan versions online before but they all seem to contain kala namak, a type of black salt that has an egg-y flavor. However, it’s really hard to find, so I experimented with other pungent flavors to get that egg taste. And lo and behold, truffle oil did just the trick!

I made this pasta for two non-vegan dudes and they absolutely loved it. There’s SO much flavor in here – the truffle oil, nutritional yeast, savory coconut bacon…. I know y’all are going to love it!!

If you make this recipe, be sure to tag the photo with #wellandfull so I can see!!! I love seeing my readers’ versions of my recipes.

A Really Good Vegan Carbonara | Well and Full A Really Good Vegan Carbonara | Well and Full A Really Good Vegan Carbonara | Well and Full

A Really Good Vegan Carbonara | Well and Full

A Really Good Vegan Carbonara

You won’t believe this vegan carbonara is completely plant-based – the creamy, umami-rich sauce and crunchy coconut bacon will delight you!
Prep Time 15 minutes
Cook Time 15 minutes
Total Time 30 minutes



  • 12 oz Bucatini or Linguine or Spaghetti

Coconut Bacon

  • 1 Recipe Coconut Bacon


  • 1/2 Cup Cashews soaked overnight
  • 1/4 Cup Extra Virgin Olive Oil
  • 2 Large Cloves Garlic
  • 1 1/2 Tbs Nutritional Yeast
  • 1/3 Cup Unsweetened Almond Milk
  • 1/2 Tsp Pepper or more to taste
  • 1 Tsp Salt
  • 1-2 Tsp Truffle Oil


  • Start by cooking the pasta according to the package’s instructions.
  • While pasta is cooking, make the recipe for coconut bacon.
  • To make the sauce, combine all ingredients into a high-speed blender. I would recommend starting with 1 Tsp of the Truffle Oil to start to see how you like the taste; if needed, add the second tsp. Blend on high until the sauce is smooth and creamy. Note – if you don’t have a high-speed blender, you will need to blend for longer to make sure the sauce is creamy enough.
  • When pasta is done cooking, drain the water and return the pasta to the pot. Mix in the sauce, making sure all the pasta is evenly covered. Then, mix in about 3/4 of the coconut bacon (reserving some for garnish).
  • Serve pasta in bowls with extra coconut bacon and fresh cracked black pepper.
  • Enjoy!

A Really Good Vegan Carbonara | Well and Full

Quote of the Day:

Courage doesn’t always roar. Sometimes courage is the little voice at the end of the day that says, “I’ll try again tomorrow.”

– Mary Anne Radmacher


If you make this recipe and post it on Instagram, be sure to tag me @wellandfull and #wellandfull so I can see! I love seeing your takes on my recipes :)

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30 responses to “A Really Good Vegan Carbonara”

  1. Valentina | The Blue Bride Avatar

    I’m the kind of person who’s never satisfied and always undervalues her results. But when I feel like crap I just take a step back and I look at myself from another point of view. And yes, even if now I can’t work and I’m doing nothing for my career (which career, moreover?), I understand that, compared to my school mates, even the more intelligent and brainiac ones, I’ve already done a good job. Other times, I just spend the day on the sofa with Netflix and that’s ok too :P
    I hope you’ll feel your best soon ?

    1. Sarah Avatar

      Sometimes a day on the sofa watching netflix can really help you relax and feel better :) I hear ya!! ;) Thanks, Valentina <3

  2. Casey the College Celiac Avatar

    I just read your past post, and I just wanted to say that I’m sending lots of good vibes your way! I know this is a brutal season of life for a lot of people right now (Including me). But I also know we can keep kickin’ life’s booty, one day at a time! Negative self talk is also something I need to work on…

    1. Sarah Avatar

      Thanks so much for your sweet note, Casey! I have been hearing from a lot of people saying that they’ve been going through a hard time too… here’s to hoping we all feel better soon <3

  3. Julia Mueller Avatar

    Oh girl, I wish I could give you a big hug. I just read your last post. This time in our lives is so difficult, and it’s extra hard that you’re going through so much upheaval in such a short time period. You really will get through this and come out a stronger person, both in body and spirit…just remember along the way that you really are loved and you are worthy.

    I’m loving this vegan take on carbonara – it looks so healthful yet tasty and that sauce is definitely a must try!

    P.S. I love your quote today! It’s so fitting!

    1. Sarah Avatar

      Aww thanks Julia <3 I really appreciate your note. And thank you – I must say this carbonara did come out pretty good! ;)

  4. Sarah @ Making Thyme for Health Avatar

    I’m so so happy to hear you are feeling a little better, Sarah! It can be so easy to beat ourselves up but it doesn’t do anyone any good. Taking it day by day and doing your own personal best is such a good outlook to have.

    Also, this carbonara looks ridiculously tasty and so easy too! I love it!

    1. Sarah Avatar

      Thank you Sarah <3 Taking it day by day is definitely the best thing for me right now.

  5. Annie Avatar

    Wow, Sarah. I’m sorry you’re going through all this. I know “sorry” really doesn’t help, but if I could offer a hug, a real hug, I would. Or let my sweet baby Clover cat sit in your lap.
    Clover saved my life (long story) and possibly my marriage, and she is always full of love for those who need it.
    I can’t say “it will get better” or “look on the sunny side,” because when I’ve been in the darkest moments of my life, those words made me want to punch people. Because they lack true empathy. You’re allowed to feel bad when bad stuff goes down.
    All I can say is, one moment at a time. Just one second at a time. Just one breath, one blink at a time.
    I know I’m a stranger on the internet, but if you ever need to talk, or vent, or whatever, just shoot me an email. <3

    1. Sarah Avatar

      Aww I would love to hang out with Clover! I love all animals :) And you’re not a stranger on the internet – you’re a friend :) Thanks for your sweet note, Annie <3

  6. Alex Avatar

    Being kind to oneself… such an important yet underrated quality. Why don’t they teach it in school??!
    Thank you for sharing this bit of your journey. Stay strong – we are all here for you :)

    1. Sarah Avatar

      They SHOULD teach it in school!! How different a world it would be if they did!! <3 Thanks, Alex.

  7. Maya | Spice + Sprout Avatar

    Oh girl, being nice to yourself is such a hard thing to learn, but so so important! I love that you ended up having that heart to heart. Sometimes kindness and guidance can come from the most unexpected places. Lots of love and hugs to you, and a biiiig thumbs up for this bowl of pasta! xx

    1. Sarah Avatar

      Thanks so much for your sweet note, Maya :)

  8. Ashley Avatar

    Your words are so true. Taking caring of ourselves is a full-time job and it’s easy to get distracted my life and obligations and lose sight of self-care. I love the quote you shared in this post! Oh, and do you have a recipe for the coconut bacon?? Can’t wait to try this sexy cruelty-free version of a classic!

    1. Sarah Avatar

      Hey Ashley! Thanks for your note :) I linked to the coconut bacon in the recipe, but here it is again <3

  9. Kate Avatar

    Growing up I think the most important thing I’ve learned is you have to give yourself grace when you feel like you’re not enough, because you’re doing your best. So happy I found your blog! This recipe looks delicious and I’m very curious about coconut bacon now!

    1. Sarah Avatar

      YES!! We always talk about having grace for others, but rarely about ourselves. It’s so important!! <3 Thanks for stopping by, friend!

  10. Maria Avatar

    That coconut bacon looks to die for!!! What recipe do you use??? This carbonara recipe looks super fabulous!!! Can’t wait to try!

    1. Sarah Avatar

      Hey Maria!! I linked to the coconut bacon in the recipe instructions but here it is again :) XO

  11. Lindsay Avatar

    This post really resonated with me. It can be so hard to be kind to ourselves, can’t it? Thanks for the inspiration today. And lovely recipe!

    1. Sarah Avatar

      Thank you Lindsay <3

  12. Meg Avatar

    Hi Sarah — I just read your last post. I feel sorry we never made our get together happen. I wish I could give you a big hug. Although my practice hasn’t been consistent myself, yoga really helped me accept and love myself as is, which as always, is a work in progress. It’s so hard sometimes. I hope you are feeling better today. xx If you are feeling up to it — shoot me an email. I don’t know where you moved to but I’m still in WeHa if you ever need a friend.

    1. Sarah Avatar

      Aww Meg it is so good to hear from you!! I would definitely love to connect. I’ll send you an email soon!! <3

  13. Melissa | Vegan Huggs Avatar

    5 stars
    This sounds wonderful! I LOVE that you used truffle. This is on my list to make now. Thank you for this delicious recipe :)

    1. Sarah Avatar

      Thanks Melissa! :) Hope you like it!!

  14. Traci | Vanilla And Bean Avatar

    Hooray for yoga and doing the best you can! That is all we can ask of ourselves, right? Embrace that positive thinking my dear… even as small as it may seem, it can go a loooong way! This carbona sounds amazing! I’ve never even has the “real” carbona so I wouldn’t know what to expect, but the flavors you’ve brought together in this recipe is umami heaven! Delicious work, Sarah! :D

    1. Sarah Avatar

      I totally agree Traci… a little positive thinking can go a long way :) Hugs.

  15. Terry Avatar

    I want to make this recipe but where are the directions for the coconut bacon?

    1. Sarah Avatar

      It’s linked in the recipe instructions but here’s the link again:


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Well and Full 2024

Hi friends! I’m Sarah, and welcome to Well and Full. Here, you’ll find seasonal, plant-forward recipes and lifestyle inspiration rooted in New England charm.