Rainbow Broccoli Buddha Bowl

Rainbow Broccoli Buddha Bowl | Well and Full | #vegan #recipe

This Rainbow Broccoli Buddha bowl is full of plant-based flavors and textures, with roasted broccoli and chickpeas and pink beet hummus.

First of all, I want to say a huge heartfelt thank you to everyone who supported me and reached out to me after I posted my first vegetarian post last week. There were a few negative comments and unfollows, which I expected, but overall there was a very respectful dialogue which I appreciated VERY much. In life, people will not always agree on everything. That’s okay. But it’s how we talk about it and discuss it that really counts. 

Something I wanted to quickly bring up is that I received dozens of messages from people saying something like, “I want to be vegan, but it’s not working out for my health/lifestyle/etc.” What I’ve been saying in response is that if you eat a mostly vegan diet but include some non-vegan foods sometimes, that is STILL good! What works for you is what you should do! When I was vegan, I saw a lot of pressure in the vegan community for absolute vegan purity – that if you ate any non-vegan foods, even if you were mostly vegan, then you were doing it “wrong” and your diet “didn’t count”. 

But let me be the first one to say that if your diet is mostly plant-based, that’s FINE!! You have to do what’s right for YOU and YOUR body. I spent a lot of time giving in to peer pressure, and I’ve learned a lot from that. Now I want to be an advocate for people doing what’s right for them. So eat what you need or want to eat, and be confident knowing that you’re doing the right thing for yourself. 

That all being said, when I wrote that my blog was going vegetarian, I wanted to be sure to communicate that my recipes will not all be vegetarian going forward. I still eat at least one vegan meal every day, and I’m not going to neglect posting vegan recipes! 

This Rainbow Broccoli Buddha Bowl is a great representation of the type of thing I eat for lunch (except usually I’ll include some sort of pasta!). Roasted broccoli is my favorite vegetable, and it tastes super delicious dipped in hummus. I used beet hummus for this recipe, but you can use any hummus you’d like. I linked to some of my own hummus recipes in this recipe’s notes. :) Cheers!

Rainbow Broccoli Buddha Bowl | Well and Full | #vegan #plantbased #recipe


Rainbow Broccoli Buddha Bowl

This Rainbow Broccoli Buddha bowl is full of plant based flavors and textures, with roasted broccoli and chickpeas and pink beet hummus.
Prep Time 30 minutes
Cook Time 30 minutes
Total Time 1 hour
Servings 2



  • 1 Head Broccoli
  • Drizzle of Neutral Vegetable Oil
  • 1/4 Tsp Salt or more to taste
  • Black Pepper to taste


  • 1 15 oz Can Chickpeas
  • Drizzle of Neutral Vegetable Oil
  • 1/2 Tsp Salt
  • 1/2 Tsp Turmeric
  • 1/4 Tsp Cayenne
  • 1/2 Tsp Black Pepper

The Rest of the Bowl

  • Kale
  • Pumpkin Seeds
  • Beet Hummus
  • Sauerkraut if desired
  • Sliced Avocado


  • Preheat your oven to 425 degrees F.
  • To prepare the broccoli, cut it into bite-sized florets. Toss with the oil and spices and lay out on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper.
  • To prepare the chickpeas, rinse and drain your can of chickpeas so that they’re completely dry. Discard any loose skins. Toss the chickpeas with the oil, salt, and spices, and lay out on a SEPARATE baking sheeting lined with parchment paper.
  • Put both the chickpeas and broccoli into the oven on separate racks. Take out the broccoli after 20-25 minutes, then take out the chickpeas after 25-30 minutes.
  • To make the bowls, add on a layer of kale (as much as you’d like). Add on the broccoli, chickpeas, avocado, pumpkin seeds, and sauerkraut (if using). Add on some beet hummus, or any hummus you’d like.
  • I dipped my bites of the salad into the hummus, but you can mix everything together so that the hummus acts as a sauce.
  • Enjoy!


For this recipe, use any type of hummus you like. I have a delicious lemon hummus recipe, a buffalo hummus recipe, and a beet hummus recipe

Rainbow Broccoli Buddha Bowl | Well and Full | #vegan #recipe


If you make this Rainbow Broccoli Buddha Bowl and post it on Instagram, be sure to tag me @wellandfull and #wellandfull so I can see! I love seeing your takes on my recipes :)

10 responses to “Rainbow Broccoli Buddha Bowl”

  1. Katya Avatar

    I think I will never understand those people who bash (or unfollow) others for not being “vegan enough”. There is no one single way to veganism–or to healthy eating at all. I’ve been recently watching quite a lot of “I’m no longer vegan” videos on YouTube and one thing jumped at me from them: most of those who gave up veganism were following a very strict, raw or close to raw diet, focused on bio, organic, fresh fruit and veg. And my thoughts were: well, maybe this diet was simply too difficult to follow? Maybe those youtubers were going after something which is unattainable?
    I guess we should relax a bit about our diets, keep them mostly healthy but not obsess over it being 100% vegan. It would be so much better for the environment and our general health if a lot of people went vegetarian/flexitarian than if a small percentage of people went completely vegan. If being vegetarian is easier for someone, then it should be positively encouraged and not criticised. Constant criticism will not keep anyone vegan.
    Sorry for the rant, dear, I just feel it’s been sitting in me for a long time now. The bowl looks amazing, nothing can beat a good Buddha bowl (well, maybe a juicy bean burger…. ;))

    1. Sarah Avatar

      I completely agree with everything you said, Katya. Having this strict, unempathetic, uncompassionate view on veganism does not convince anyone to go plant-based!! I don’t know if you’ve seen this yet, but a huge vegan blog – Minimalist Baker – just announced that they are going to start sharing non-vegan recipes going forward. People are attacking her in the comments for making a choice for her health. It’s been horrible to see. Nobody has the right to criticize what someone else is doing FOR THEIR HEALTH. This is my rant lol!!

      But I digress… Thank you for leaving this thoughtful on my blog. I always enjoy hearing from you and the kind, articulate way you communicate your thoughts. Thanks again <3

      1. Katya Avatar

        (sorry for the delayed response)

        Thank YOU for making thought-provoking content :) It is important and inspiring to look at various aspects of one’s life – for example diet – and question it and adapt it. I haven’t heard about Minimalist Baker and now that I’ve read some of the comments, I am kinda speechless. In my opinion we have no right to criticise other people’s decisions about their diets at all, not only when it comes to health. Veganism is difficult to maintain for a host of different reasons, eg. availability, social pressure, family situation, country you live in etc. and it is ridiculous to demand from people that they stay vegan despite all this. Vegetarian blogs are more accessible and the decision to go vegetarian is doing your health and the environment an enormous favour already, so why beat yourself up for not conforming to other people’s standards?

        Sending you hugs and lots of good vibes :)))

      2. Sarah Avatar

        Thank you so much Katya <3 I completely agree that someone’s diet is their choice and their choice alone. Furthermore, what someone chooses to eat is only a small part of their identity. Dana (of Minimalist Baker) has helped so many people through her free recipes and accessible content. That is something that should be appreciated and applauded :)

  2. Verna Avatar

    Oh Yum! looks so hearty and super tasty!!😊

    1. Sarah Avatar

      Thanks so much Verna! :)

  3. […] Rainbow Broccoli Buddha Bowl (photo above) by Well and Full. Loving the beet hummus on top! […]

  4. Paula Avatar

    This Buddha Bowl looks so tasty and nourishing! I feel like I can taste all those amazing textures through your photo! Delicious. :-)

    1. Sarah Avatar

      Thank you!! :)

  5. […] Rainbow Broccoli Buddha Bowl – Well and Full […]

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Hi friends! I’m Sarah, and welcome to Well and Full. Here, you’ll find seasonal, plant-forward recipes and lifestyle inspiration rooted in New England charm.