Sunday Sutra: Solar Plexus Chakra Smoothie

Sunday Sutra: Solar Plexus Chakra Smoothie | Well and Full | #plantbased #yoga #recipe

Today’s Sunday Sutra features a beautifully yellow, solar plexus stimulating smoothie. I almost didn’t post this recipe yet, because I’ve been trying to post my smoothies in sync with my yoga teacher training. We haven’t gotten to the solar plexus yet, but this smoothie is so bright and cheering that I couldn’t resist posting it!

In my most recent yoga teacher training class, we covered the sacral chakra (Svadhisthana), the source of reproductive and creative energy. Our teacher for the day was actually a British woman who specializes in holistic therapies, quantum biofeedback, and Ayurvedic medicine. She moved to the States in the 80’s with her American husband, but still has this wonderfully beautiful British accent that just lent the whole class this aura of calmness. Her class was absolutely amazing – because the sacral chakra is the source of reproductive energy, and as we were all women in the class, we talked about what it means to be a woman in this day and age. It was an incredibly intelligent and informed discussion between women of all walks of life. Then, at the end of the class, we listened to sacred chakra music and did a dance where we could let out our inner wild woman. We were all dancing, uninhibited, as if our bodies were meant to engage in this movement. It was magical.

Sunday Sutra: Solar Plexus Chakra Smoothie | Well and Full | #plantbased #yoga #recipe

But today’s Sunday Sutra concerns the solar plexus chakra, also known as the Manipura, which is the source of our digestive fire (agni) and our true sense of self. This chakra is located at the navel and can be opened with such poses as boat pose (paripurna navasana), bow pose (dhanurasana), and half lord of the fishes pose (ardha matsyendrasana).

Because this chakra is associated with digestion, it contains pineapple and papaya, two fruits that contain enzymes which aid in digestion. The smoothie also contains turmeric, which too can be used as a digestive aid. Plus, it gives this smoothie a beautifully yellow color that represents the Manipura chakra.

Sunday Sutra: Solar Plexus Chakra Smoothie | Well and Full | #plantbased #yoga #recipe

Sunday Sutra: Solar Plexus Chakra Smoothie | Well and Full | #plantbased #yoga #recipe

Sunday Sutra: Solar Plexus Chakra Smoothie

The solar plexus chakra is the source of the body’s digestive fire; and this smoothie contains pineapple and papaya, two fruits that contain enzymes which aid in digestion.
Prep Time 5 minutes
Total Time 5 minutes
Servings 2 Smoothies


  • 1/2 Cup Fresh Papaya
  • 1 Cup Fresh Pineapple
  • 1 Frozen Banana
  • Pinch Turmeric
  • Squeeze of a Satsuma Orange


  • Combine all ingredients into a blender and blend until smooth. Enjoy!

Sunday Sutra: Solar Plexus Chakra Smoothie | Well and Full | #plantbased #yoga #recipe

Song of the Day:

Helplessness Blues – Fleet Foxes


If you make this recipe and post it on Instagram, be sure to tag me @wellandfull and #wellandfull so I can see! I love seeing your takes on my recipes :)

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17 responses to “Sunday Sutra: Solar Plexus Chakra Smoothie”

  1. Jessica Kelley Avatar

    I love this smoothie series! One of my goals is to eventually become a yoga instructor, so needless to say I love reading about what you are learning and are sharing from your training Namaste, Jess

    1. Sarah Avatar

      Thanks for stopping by Jessica! I’m glad you like my yoga posts, I love writing about it! :D

  2. Kelly // The Pretty Bee: Allergy Friendly Eats Avatar

    This is a beautiful smoothie, Sarah! I love that you included papaya – I really need to eat more of that!

    1. Sarah Avatar

      Thank you Kelly! :D

  3. Laura Avatar

    Great recipe filled with so much goodness. Kind of like summer in a glass in the middle of winter. Plus, that song is sooo good. Thanks for the pick me up:)

    1. Sarah Avatar

      Thanks Laura, and you’re welcome! :D

  4. Ksenia @ At the Immigrant's Table Avatar

    Love the recipe – but even more, I love the story that inspired you. That sounds like such a magical, joyful moment!! I think that as women who lead busy lives, it is easy for us to forget what it’s like to dance with wild abandon… And I love that you got a chance to do it with others, and not just in the shower as most of us do ;)

    1. Sarah Avatar

      Thanks Ksenia! But I’d be lying if I said I didn’t love shower dancing too! ;)

  5. Amanda | The Cinnamon Scrolls Avatar

    This smoothie is so gorgeous — I totally get how you couldn’t wait to share it! I love the flavours too. You take incredible photographs, Sarah. Simply stunning!

    1. Sarah Avatar

      Thank you so much Amanda!! :D

  6. Amy | Lemon and Coconut Avatar

    5 stars
    Just beautiful, I too am loving learning about yoga, it is really inspiring me! xx

    1. Sarah Avatar

      Thanks Amy! :D

  7. Jodi Avatar

    Beautiful Sqrah! That COLOR! I love following along and learning with you – thank you for sharing this wisdom :) x

    1. Sarah Avatar

      Thanks Jodi!! <3

  8. Christine | Vermilion Roots Avatar

    I love the ingredients in this smoothie. As someone with digestive issues, papaya, pineapple and turmeric are ingredients I use a lot in my recovery process. This smoothie is just perfect. :-)

  9. Lane Avatar

    Just what I was needing today. Thank you!

    1. Sarah Avatar

      So glad you liked it :)

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Well and Full 2024

Hi friends! I’m Sarah, and welcome to Well and Full. Here, you’ll find seasonal, plant-forward recipes and lifestyle inspiration rooted in New England charm.