Vanilla Mint Superfood Smoothies w/ Spirulina


Vanilla Mint Spirulina Protein Smoothie | Well and Full | #vegan #recipe

When I was a senior in college, I used to work out at least once or twice every day. Usually in the morning before class I would go swimming (for which I would usually drag one of my friends along… hey Jon), then in the evenings I would do my cardio + lift. Looking back now, I honestly have no idea where all that energy came from. ALTHOUGH, working out does increase your energy levels, so perhaps it was an iterative process (read: the more I worked out, the more energy I had to work out).

Unfortunately, in the ~real world~ I don’t have as much time to go to the gym. Not to mention the fact that it’s really. freakin. hard. to muster the energy to work out after you’ve had a 10-hour, stressful, hectic workday. (And also there is a 0% chance I will get up at 5 AM to workout. It’s just not happening). And I keep telling myself: Sarah, if you go to the gym, you’ll have MORE energy so then it will be easier for you to work out! But I’ll get home from work and sit down for one second, and just pass out from exhaustion. And as much as I’d like to think of myself as a hardcore, “no excuses!!!” type of person, BEING A GROWN-UP IS REALLY HARD.

Vanilla Mint Spirulina Protein Smoothie | Well and Full | #vegan #recipe

Vanilla Mint Superfood Smoothies w/ Spirulina | Well and Full | #vegan #plantbased #recipe

Ahem. Luckily, I’ve been starting to become better friends with an awesome coworker I have, whose dad is actually a strength and conditioning coach. She played sports in college, and knows a hell of a lot more about working out and lifting than I do. But seriously though, this gal is bada$$. We went to the gym together the other day, and I asked her to show me the proper form for deadlifting. And she goes over and just casually deadlifts 100+ lbs (that’s not even her PR), while myweenie muscles are shaking with the effort of lifting up the bar with no weights attached. But despite the disparity in weight-lifting abilities, I had an absolute blast working out with her, and we’re going to start going to the gym together more often. Which, I think, is really the key to getting motivation to work out – it’s so much more fun to exercise when you have an awesome friend to go with (especially one who knows her stuff!). Although, to be fair to myself, through my yoga-ing I do have a pretty strong core. Can’t do a headstand without them abs!

But what good is a kick-butt workout, you may ask, without the proper nutrition? This is where I *casually* segue over to this delicious, vanilla mint superfood smoothie that’s made with the Vega One Nutritional Shake. As a vegan, it’s really important to me that I’m getting complete proteins every day (meaning they have all 9 essential amino acids), in addition to other crucial nutrients like Vitamin B12. In fact, before I went vegan, I made sure I researched ways I could get these nutrients, since they are usually found in animal products. That’s how I came across Vega – a company that makes plant-based nutritional supplements + shakes that carry a full spectrum of nutrients. I mean, look at what’s in one serving of the Vega One shake:

// 20 g of Protein (!!!)

// 6 Servings of greens

// Fiber + Omega-3s

// 45% DV Vitamin B12

// Antioxidants

// Probiotics (yaasss)

Basically, it contains everything good in the world. I put at least half a scoop of the powder in any smoothie I make, so I can say from experience that this works great as a pre-workout or post-workout snack. For this specific smoothie recipe, I’d probably have it as a pre-workout snack due to the banana action going on in there. Bananas are a great way to get healthy, fast-acting carbs before a workout, giving you plenty of energy to get #gains!

Vanilla Mint Spirulina Protein Smoothie | Well and Full | #vegan #recipe



Vanilla Mint Superfood Smoothies w/ Spirulina

These delicious, superfood smoothies are full of healthy carbs to get you energized for a workout, plus healthy antioxidants and nutrients to keep you going!
Prep Time 10 minutes
Total Time 10 minutes


  • 4 Medium Bananas frozen
  • 2 Cups Almond Milk
  • 4 Tbs French Vanilla Vega One Powder
  • 2 Tbs Fresh Peppermint Leaves
  • 1 Tsp Spirulina Optional, but it gives this smoothie its beautiful color!


  • Prep your bananas by slicing them into thin rounds and freezing overnight.
  • In a blender, combine all ingredients and blend until smooth. Garnish with a fresh sprig of mint and enjoy!

Vanilla Mint Spirulina Protein Smoothie | Well and Full | #vegan #recipe

P.S. This post was sponsored by Vega, but all opinions are my own. I’m thrilled to support companies that I love! :)

Song of the Day:

If I Could Change Your Mind – HAIM

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22 responses to “Vanilla Mint Superfood Smoothies w/ Spirulina”

  1. Dixya @ Food, Pleasure, and Health Avatar

    this is such a pretty looking smoothie! i am always looking for different protein powder to try, never tried vega though.

    1. WellAndFull Avatar

      They’re amazing! I’ve been using their products for a few years now. My favorite flavor is coconut almond, but I don’t think it’s being sold in all stores in the US yet. But the french vanilla flavor I used in this smoothie is pretty bangin’ too ;)

  2. Sophie | The Green Life Avatar

    What a gorgeous looking smoothie!!
    I love adding spirulina to my smoothies too…it always makes them look so pretty. :)

    1. WellAndFull Avatar

      I know, it’s such a lovely color, isn’t it?? :)

  3. genevieve @ gratitude & greens Avatar

    The colour of these smoothies is insane!! I love adding spirulina to my raw nana ice cream or smoothies, too. Not only does it give me an extra boost but the colour is always super pretty. I’ve only tried Vega once but have never bought it for myself- probably because I have been a bit lazy with my exercise routine. When I started working it was really hard for me to get in the routine of exercising, but eventually I just took my gym bag and yoga mat to the office so I could go before/after. And then konk out on the couch when I got home! Love the song of the day- HAIM is one of my favourite bands! I saw them live and they were SO good!

    1. WellAndFull Avatar

      WHAT you got to see HAIM live?? That’s awesome!! But I hear you on the whole work/exercise thing – it’s so hard to fit all that stuff into a day! For me it’s especially hard because I also have to factor in my little pup, she has to get attention too!

  4. Grace @ FoodFitnessFreshAir Avatar

    I feel you…adult life is hard! And it goes so fast! August, at the end of this week?…Say what?!

    Anyways…ranting here. But that color is gorgeous. It’s hard to come across such a aqua-like vibrancy in nature. Love it!

    1. WellAndFull Avatar

      RIGHT! I was just saying to my coworker today that I couldn’t believe that it’s almost August. I feel like as a kid, I used to get so annoyed when adults would complain how fast time goes by. But now that I’m actually an adult, I realize that the phenomenon is real!!

  5. Kimberly/TheLittlePlantation Avatar

    Great to see you are as mad about green juices and smoothies as I am :)
    I LOVE practicing yoga before work, even now that I’m a grown up. It just happens that as a parent it’s really the only time of the day I can work out)
    Thanks for sharing this lovely recipe and thanks again for visiting The Little Plantation :)

    1. WellAndFull Avatar

      That’s awesome that you’re able to fit your practice in before work! :) And yesss to green juices and smoothies that keep us going ;)

  6. Jessie Snyder | Faring Well Avatar

    Yay for finding motivation to work out, and for this glowing superfood smoothie! So many happy vibes in this post. Love it, Sarah!

    1. WellAndFull Avatar

      Thanks Jessie! With all my health issues it’s been hard getting back into the swing of things (especially fitness-wise) but I’m excited to start getting back on track :)

  7. Vivian Avatar

    LOVE the color – the smoothie looks so delicious. And yeah, I agree. The more I work out, the more energy I have. I’m starting my college senior year. I better enjoy my workouts before life gets real haha

    1. WellAndFull Avatar

      Best of luck on your senior year of college, Vivian! It goes by SO FAST so enjoy every moment :) Especially your workouts!! ;)

  8. Solamita Avatar

    Hi Sarah! I just discovered your beautiful blog now and bookmarked it :) and I am definitely trying this vanilla mint smoothie! :)

    1. WellAndFull Avatar

      Thank you so much, Solamita! :) I’m so glad you stopped by!

  9. Izzy @ She Likes Food Avatar

    I hear ya! I can’t seem to get the energy to wake up early and work out and I certainly am not going to work out after a long day! And then on the weekends I want to do fun things! One of these days I’ll get back into working out, hopefully! This is one beautiful shake! That color is crazy pretty :)

    1. WellAndFull Avatar

      Thanks, Izzy! And trust me, I know how hard it is to fit in time to workout… I give most of the credit to my gal pal who’s kicking my butt over to the gym ;)

  10. Rachel Avatar

    5 stars
    Oh that colour is absolutely divine! I can never get used to the taste of spirulina, but something tells me this smoothie might be a good way to overcome that fear!

    1. WellAndFull Avatar

      You really can’t taste the spirulina at all! Just minty vanilla goodness ;)

  11. Lilly Avatar

    The colour of this is just stunning – funny how colours can stir an emotional response in us, even in food. This drink makes me feel both peaceful and energised just by looking at it :)

    1. Sarah Avatar

      Colors are potent to be sure! I love green things, to me they’re full of vitality and life! :D

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Well and Full 2024

Hi friends! I’m Sarah, and welcome to Well and Full. Here, you’ll find seasonal, plant-forward recipes and lifestyle inspiration rooted in New England charm.