The Well and Full Cooking Philosophy

The Well and Full Cooking Philosophy

Welcome to Well and Full!

I started this blog in 2015 to share my deep, genuine love of cooking and vegetarian food. (Read more about that here!) Since then, it has grown into a vibrant community of good-food lovers, whether they are vegetarian, vegan, or neither. If you like fruits and vegetables, whole foods, and the occasional kick of cayenne, Well and Full is the place for you!

Before you make any of the recipes, I’d like to share The Well and Full Cooking Philosophy with you. Here’s my culinary ethos:

1. Taste as you go.

In the years that I’ve been food blogging, I’ve found that two people can think wildly different things about a recipe – one might find it too salty, and another might not think it’s salty at all. Enter “taste as you go”. A lot of my recipes will call for an ingredient “to taste”, because I’m asking you to add in as much as you like. For me, that means extra black pepper and cayenne. For you, that could mean a squeeze more of lemon juice or an added clove of garlic. Just follow your taste buds, and you can’t go wrong!

2. Modify to your liking!

On my Instagram page, I absolutely love it when readers tag me in a photo of one of my recipes they’ve made. One of my most popular recipes, this kale salad, has been made quite a bit, and every so often I’ll see that a reader has added in a vegetable or herb that they like. For example, one such reader added in sweet potato instead of regular potato. Far from being a stickler about my recipes, I LOVE seeing people modifying and being creative in the kitchen! That’s what I hope for this website to be all about – providing a foundation upon which people can be creative, and encouraging experimentation in the kitchen. I’d be honored if I can go along on your culinary adventures with you!! Just make sure that when you modify, you adjust baking/cooking time as needed.

3. The recipes here are (mostly) good for you.

Everything I make on Well and Full is made with whole food ingredients, that you can feel good about inside and out. And this will explain why my banana bread recipe won’t taste the same as a buttercream cake; and why this buddha bowl won’t taste the same as a bowl from Chipotle. But “not the same” doesn’t mean worse. In fact, I’ll argue that they taste better! Why? Because they’re not laden down with excess amounts of sodium or sugar – they’re fresher, lighter, and healthier.

In my journey with eating healthy, I’ve found that the less I eat processed foods or eat out at restaurants, the less salt I need in my food. Eating excessive amounts of sodium (which can happen really easily) actually changes your sense of taste – requiring you to keep eating food at the same level of sodium to have the same taste experience.

And I want to clarify that I’m not a square when it comes to food, and that I’m personally known to eat an entire bag of potato chips in one sitting. I stand by the fact that everyone has to make the best decision for themselves when it comes to food, which may be different than someone else’s! But I do encourage you to try it out, even just for fun – eating a (mostly) whole-foods diet and cooking at home really will change your taste buds for the better!

4. Ready? Let’s do this!

Now that we’ve got the basics settled, let’s start cooking! I definitely recommend any new readers to try out my vegan buddha bowl recipe – it’s by far my most popular! But if that’s not your thing, here are some other fan favorites:

  1. Kale Detox Salad
  2. Chickpea Scramble
  3. Winter Buddha Bowl
  4. My Favorite Vegan Wrap

If you’re looking for some lesser-known, equally delicious recipes, here are my picks:

  1. Chocolate Rice Krispie Treats
  2. A Really Good Cauliflower Smoothie
  3. Buffalo Chickpea Wraps
  4. Spicy Kale Soup


I want to say, from the very bottom of my heart, how much it means to me to share my love of food and cooking with you. If you ever have an questions, comments, feedback, recipe suggestions, or just want to say hi, please feel free to leave a comment here or send me an email at!


Oh wait, P.S.!

Seeing a reader make a recipe of mine is one of my greatest joys. Knowing that someone made and enjoyed a recipe from this blog never ever ever fails to put a smile on my face! So if you make a recipe and happen to share a photo on social media, be sure to tag me @wellandfull so I can see!!

The Well and Full Cooking Philosophy