How To Make An Acai Bowl

How To Make An Acai Bowl | Well and Full | #vegan #recipe

Yesterday I read this really great article on Pinch of Yum that I wanted to share with you all – entitled “Feeling jealous on the internet… and 12 ways to make it stop“. In the post, Lindsay talked about how easy it is to get sucked into a virtual comparison with other blogs / social media personas. But what was most impressive about the post, to me, was that Lindsay confessed to a lot of, let’s say “less than bloggable-worthy thoughts” that she had about the online game; emotions like jealousy and anger that a lot of us don’t really talk about in our online spaces. And honestly, that took a lot of guts. As much as we all like to keep things positive and peppy online, everyone has negative thoughts. Everyone. Even you, even me. And reading Lindsay’s post was kind of exactly what I needed to read right now. Recently I had been feeling a little jealous of another blogger, knowing that she has more followers than me. (There, I admitted it! You all know my worst thoughts now.)

But there’s something wrong with my nasty thoughts (other than the fact that they’re nasty)… it’s such an insanely human fallacy, but sometimes we feel like if someone else does something great, it somehow diminishes us or belittles our own accomplishments. But that couldn’t be less true.

I kind of want to hit myself in the head for thinking in such a negative and fallacious way. But the first step to fixing a problem is admitting that there is one in the first place. I don’t have a problem admitting that I have negative thoughts (even though it is a bit scary to air online), because every person on the planet has negative thoughts. And to pretend otherwise is just untrue.

But the point of all of this is (and this is a memo to myself as well) – don’t let yourself get jealous. Instead of looking at someone’s accomplishments as a threat to you, see if you can find it in your heart to celebrate their success as an achievement on its own, knowing that you are also capable of wonderful things. :)

(And I would be remiss if I didn’t give a huge thank you to Lindsay, for giving me the courage to be honest about my shortcomings and talk about them with you all.)

How To Make An Acai Bowl | Well and Full | #vegan #recipeHow To Make An Acai Bowl | Well and Full | #vegan #recipeHow To Make An Acai Bowl | Well and Full | #vegan #recipe

And now onto acai bowls! I first heard of them a few years ago when a friend of mine went to Hawaii and posted a picture of one on Instagram. At first I was like, “What the heck is acai?”, pronouncing it “uh-kai” in my head. Little did I know that these little berries are potent powerhouses of nutritional value, being a fantastic source of vitamins and antioxidants. In addition, acai tastes kind of like a chocolatey berry, making it a perfect flavor template for smoothie bowls.

Making an acai bowl is a lot of fun because there’s a ton of flavor combinations you can do. In this recipe I used fresh pineapple as a flavor enhancer, but you can replace that with a cup of any of your favorite fruits, like strawberries, mangoes, or blueberries. You also have total creative license over the toppings… in the mood for fresh fruit? Stick ’em on there! Have a bunch of granola on hand? Onto the acai bowl it goes!

How To Make An Acai Bowl | Well and Full | #vegan #recipe

How To Make An Acai Bowl | Well and Full | #vegan #recipe

How To Make An Acai Bowl

It’s easier than you think to make an acai bowl – all you need is acai, fruit, and any toppings you like!
Prep Time 10 minutes
Total Time 10 minutes
Servings 1 -2


Acai Smoothie

  • 3 Frozen Bananas
  • 1 Cup Fresh Pineapple
  • 1.5 Tsp Acai Powder OR
  • 1 Pack Sambazon Superfruit Acai

Chocolate Drizzle

  • 2 Tbs Coconut Oil melted
  • 1/4 Cup Raw Cacao Powder
  • 2 Tbs Raw Agave Nectar or Maple Syrup

Topping Ideas

  • Raw Buckwheat Groats
  • Dehydrated Fruits
  • Fresh Fruits
  • Granola I like this brand
  • Nuts & Seeds


  • To make the acai smoothie, combine all smoothie ingredients into the food processor, and process until smooth and creamy. When done, scoop acai smoothie into a bowl.
  • To make the chocolate drizzle, melt 2 tbs coconut oil. When liquid, stir in cacao powder and agave nectar. Drizzle over acai smoothie.
  • Finally, top your acai bowl with whatever toppings you have on hand – dried fruit, fresh fruit, granola, buckwheat groats, nuts, seeds. Get creative; go crazy!
  • Enjoy!

How To Make An Acai Bowl | Well and Full | #vegan #recipe

Quote of the Day:

Compassion has no limit. Kindness has no enemy.

– A Yogi Tea Bag


If you make this recipe and post it on Instagram, be sure to tag me @wellandfull and #wellandfull so I can see! I love seeing your takes on my recipes :)


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33 responses to “How To Make An Acai Bowl”

  1. Alexandra Caspero Avatar

    Beautiful post! I have a quote in my office that says “Comparison is the thief of joy”- a nice, daily reminder to myself that if I continue to compare to others, I’ll never be satisfied in my current work. There is always someone “better” than me, and that’s OK. I need to read that article by Lindsay now…

    Your photos are so, so gorgeous! I’ve had Acai bowls out, but never tried to make it myself. This is going on my to-do list!

    1. Sarah Avatar

      Thank you so much Alexandra! That’s such a great quote, too. :)

  2. Evi @ greenevi Avatar

    Extremely beautiful! I love acai bowls ♥︎

    1. Sarah Avatar

      Thanks Evi! Me too :)

  3. Sophie | The Green Life Avatar

    Ah! I read Pinch of Yum’s post this morning and could totally relate too!! It’s so hard not to compare ourselves to others in this day and age. I try to use these feelings as an inspiration instead of beating myself up for not being where I want to be. There’s always going to be people who are more successful than us and that’s totally fine. Accepting where we are and striving to improve is part of the journey! :) This açai bowl is wonderful Sarah. <3

    1. Sarah Avatar

      I couldn’t agree more Sophie. There’s always going to be someone “better” than us – real or perceived – and there’s no point in being sad about it. Looking at it as inspiration is a great idea! :D

  4. Maya | Spice + Sprout Avatar

    Yes! love this! It reminds me of shine theory – the idea that you should be friends with people who inspire you and you can both support and inspire each other/ make each other shine :) even though it is hard to struggle with jealous feelings (I definitely do) it is also super cool to realize that those people started where you started and that everybody is just a human person like youuuu <3

    1. Sarah Avatar

      That’s a beautiful thought – inspiring and encouraging each other to shine :)

  5. Laura Avatar

    Oh my golly. Acai bowls are my favourite. I get depressed if I don’t get to have an acai bowl or a smoothie bowl on any given day. Great guide Sarah!

    1. Sarah Avatar

      Thanks Laura!! :D

  6. Emilie @ Emilie Eats Avatar

    These bowls are so dreamy!! I just started getting into acai and I’m loving it. Lindsay’s post really hit home for me, as I’m such a competitive person. I need to spend more time appreciating all the things I’ve achieved!

    1. Sarah Avatar

      I can be competitive too! But it’s so much better to focus on the things we’ve achieved! :)

  7. Kristy @ Southern In Law Avatar

    I’m going to celebrate your achievements here because this looks AMAZING! ;)

    I am loving all those toppings <3

    1. Sarah Avatar

      Thanks Kristy!! :D

  8. Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine Avatar

    Lindsey’s post was great, ahha I think everyone has read it now (talk about viral!) But it was all so true and wonderful to come from someone as established as her.

    1. Sarah Avatar

      I know I felt the same way about her post! Pinch of Yum is so successful and it’s nice to know that Lindsay has the same doubts as all of us!

  9. genevieve @ gratitude & greens Avatar

    This was probably my biggest downfall when I first started blogging. There are so many blogs and social media accounts nowadays that we are just SO BOMBARDED with information and photos all the time. So much of what is popular on the Internet is purely based off whether something is aesthetically pleasing, and naturally, we are inclined to wish we had taken that photo, shared that recipe, or written just as beautifully. It was much easier for me to happy for the success of others once I realized that the only person I should be bettering/competing against is myself and my accomplishments in the past. Your blog has grown so much since its birth and your photos are beautiful, I hope you know that! <333

    1. Sarah Avatar

      Awww thank you so much Gen!! <3 Sending much love <3 <3

  10. Amy | Lemon and Coconut Avatar

    5 stars
    That;s so true. I remind myself that just because something else is wonderful, doesn’t mean my voice and expression is less. And then there are people who I look up to, who are truly amazing and super skilled, way more than me. That’s okay too. The world is full of beautiful things, wonderful talent and expression, it has been so incredible to see how rich that is in plant-based food blogs, how many enormously competent and talented women especially there are out there, and when I feel sad, well that’s just a stepping stone on my journey, I have to grow from it and move on. We are but dots in time, that’s what we don’t like being reminded of I think, when it comes down to it.

    1. Sarah Avatar

      I think you’re doing wonderful work, Amy, and I want you to know how much I support and encourage you <3

      1. Amy | Lemon and Coconut Avatar

        Thank you so much Sarah that’s so incredibly nice of you to say, it really means a lot to me. You know how much I think of Well and Full, it’s really wonderful, you achieve far more than I ever could I don’t know how you do it!! :)

      2. Sarah Avatar

        Don’t think that way!! You’ll achieve just as much and more! Just never give up :)

  11. kushi Avatar

    5 stars
    WOW! This is such a beautiful post. I am also in love with the gorgeous and delicious bowl :-)

    1. Sarah Avatar

      Thanks Kushi!! :D

  12. dixya @ food, pleasure, and health Avatar

    being present in this crazy world of social media/blogging, it is hard not to feel jealous and be competitive. i could relate a lot to Lindsay’s post as well and i am sure most of us can…it is such a beautiful reminder to step away from it and enjoy other non blog related things….

    on acai bowl, i did try the frozen packet from whole foods long time ago, wasnt too impressed but i need to give it a try again. lovely photos!

    1. Sarah Avatar

      Thanks Dixya! :)

  13. Aimee / Wallflower Girl's Kitchen Avatar

    I need to read that post now so I can stop being jealous of your AMAZING photos. I’m always in awe of your photography. And I’ve always wanted to make an acai bowl, I’ll refer to this when I get round to it :-)

    1. Sarah Avatar

      Awww thank you so much Aimee!! I think you have gorgeous photography too so that compliment means a lot to me!! :D

  14. Gena Avatar

    5 stars
    I don’t have a hard time owning up to negative or difficult emotions, but I do find jealousy and envy in particular hard to talk about — it’s such a vulnerable set of emotions to discuss, no matter how universal they are. I can’t wait to read Lindsey’s post.

    In other news, I LOVE that you make your acai bowls with the food processor! I much prefer making them that way, too, for a super rich and creamy texture :-) What a great recipe, Sarah!

    1. Sarah Avatar

      Jealousy IS one of the most vulnerable emotions you can talk about. But I think Lindsay talked about it in a really admirably honest way :)

  15. […] How to Make an Acai Bowl – Well and […]

  16. Ingrid | Let's talk evergreen Avatar

    A wonderful way of putting it. I have these feelings to at some times, but it helps to focus on yourself and just appreciate others for what they are. This recipe looks and sounds wonderful! x

    1. Sarah Avatar

      It does help to focus on your own accomplishments… they’re still great, no matter what everyone else is doing :) Thanks Ingrid!

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Well and Full 2024

Hi friends! I’m Sarah, and welcome to Well and Full. Here, you’ll find seasonal, plant-forward recipes and lifestyle inspiration rooted in New England charm.